How To Publish A Books On Amazon

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Amazon + BookBaby

Publishing a book on Amazon doesn’t mean you have to choose

Many authors believe that it’s all-or-nothing when publishing a book on Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer. But with BookBaby there are multiple ways you can take advantage of Amazon’s best book promotional tools—like Amazon KDP Select—and still take advantage of all of BookBaby’s worldwide distribution and Print On Demand options, all from one, simple account.

Keep 100% of your Amazon eBook royalties when you publish with BookBaby!

BookBaby makes it easy not just for you to publish, promote, and profit from publishing eBooks on Amazon’s Kindle Store, but also on our online eBook distribution retail network of 60+ stores including Apple Books, Kobo, and everywhere else your eBook should be.

With BookBaby’s Print On Demand and printed book distribution services, you can sell physical books online at right next to your eBook. Your printed book will also be available at bookstores like Barnes & Noble, BookBaby’s BookShop™, libraries, and novelty retailers through the world’s biggest wholesale networks. Best of all, BookBaby takes ZERO commission from your Amazon book sales.

Take a look at how to publish a book on Amazon with BookBaby, by using these comprehensive self-publishing resources to find success.
