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Signalman Publishing is a specialty Kindle book publisher. We specialize in bringing the non-fiction classics to the Kindle e-reader. We work with authors who would like to see their work published as an e-book.

Enjoy Signalman’s Newest Releases in Paperback

The Truth, Too

by MikahHardcover The information in this Book builds on the foundation laid in the Lord’s little Book The Truth. There are many additional supportive facts revealed herein. The purpose of these Books is to give the goats a chance to repent and wash their robes so they will be saved on the Day of the Lord, coming during the Feast of Trumpets. The goats are 90% of the church system of man’s members! We are the temple of God and He sits on the throne of our heart as we serve Him. His mark is in our forehead, shown by our words and deeds. If we are Law breakers, we are a goat.

The Truth

by MikahHardcover The purpose of this little Book is to bring the Congregation of the Living God back into one accord, speaking the Truth in love and to give the goats a chance to repent and receive salvation. This Book is scribed in easily understood language so people at every level of education can understand. This is the little Book prophesied by Isaiah the prophet and John the Revelator. At the beginning of this work Mikah received a message from Father: Scripture interprets scripture, you are not interpreting the Bible, you are bringing to light false teachings. When receiving the cover photos she was told, I am the Lord your God.

Bibi & Babu in Africa

by Bonnie Toews and John ChristiansenPaperbackKindle Reading with your child or grandchild not only entertains them, it can also strengthen the bonds between you. The BIBI & BABU TRAVEL SERIES take you both on armchair adventures to faraway lands with beautiful photographs and stories as Bibi and Babu mingle with the local people, discover the magic of their customs and folklore, and embrace lives very different from ours. This first volume, Bibi & Babu in Africa, showcases in color the natural beauty of wildlife on safari in Africa, the realization of John’s dream as he becomes the second oldest person to climb to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, and Bonnie’s visit at the Kilimanjaro Orphanage in Pasua, Tanzania.

Home, Sweet Heaven

by Arthur PerkinsPaperbackFor Kindle A courageous Christian couple have a well-deserved taste of heaven… But only a brief sampling before they must return to earth to embark on another mission of importance to God and their own futures as members of the Church in her role as Bride of Christ. In this fourth novel of the Buddy series, Earl and Joyce Cook pick up their battered bodies from the street in Texas where they had been brutally assaulted and left for dead, and head out on a new mission to free a fellow Christian. They are joined by a courageous Israeli spy to form a team dedicated to bringing the Word of God to Americans who have resisted the acceptance of the dreaded mark of the beast described in Revelation 13 and 14.

Marching to a Worthy Drummer

by Arthur PerkinsPaperbackFor Kindle

Something drastic happened to the early Church that involved the tampering of its basic precepts and even the interpretation of Scripture. Lurking in the background almost from the beginning of the Church, it gained influence around the time that Constantine changed the status of the Church from a persecuted and repressed movement to a state religion.

This Christian nonfiction work addresses the root of this enormous error and its historic and ongoing debilitating effect on the Church. An alternative vision of God is presented to the reader, and its basic truth is examined in the light of Scripture, which the author embraces as inspired and inerrant in the original.

Jacob: Encounters with the Holy Spirit

by Arthur PerkinsPaperbackFor Kindle


The great war of Israel’s annihilation looms near as God prepares his special people. There’s just enough time left for Jacob to experience the salvation of Israel and come to a loving relationship of his own with God and an extraordinary woman.

In the midst of the human suffering that accompanies the descent of world government into a monolithic, repressive and all-seeing despotic tyranny representing the reign of the long-anticipated antichrist, Earl and Joyce Cook and several Jewish fugitives are on the run from a death camp where God has intervened to free them.

With their leader Jacob Perlman at the helm, they are heading cross-country into an unforgettable adventure which merge into the events foretold long ago by Jesus and the ancient prophets Daniel, Ezekiel and Zechariah as the world, driven by power-drunk madmen under the control of their evil master Satan, heads unavoidably into the final Battle of Armageddon.

Cybersecurity for Everyone: Securing your home or small business network

by Terence L. SadlerPaperbackFor Kindle For home users and small business owners, cybersecurity expert Terry Sadler lays out the easy-to-learn methods and tips that will make using the Internet more safe and secure and protect the family as well as the business.

  • Identity Theft. Take the steps outlined to prevent becoming a victim of identity theft.
  • Viruses and Malware. Stop these before they wreck your data and impact your home or business computers.
  • Email Security. Learn how to reduce the amount of SPAM that makes it to your inbox. Improve your email security habits and discover better ways to communicate safely and with privacy.
  • Internet and Browsing Security. You cannot afford to leave the security of your sensitive information up to your ISP. Learn about your options; then pick and choose what works for you.

Pastor Chefs 40 Day Marriage Challenge

by Bill and Cynthia MalonePaperbackFor Kindle

The Pastor Chefs believe that a couple who prays together, reads together, and cooks together will have a stronger and more lasting relationship. This book is 40 days of activities encouraging married couples to make their relationships a priority.

Do you sometimes feel disconnected from your mate? Perhaps the hustle and bustle of life just gets in the way of spending quality time with the one you love. The Pastor Chefs 40 Day Marriage Challenge is the perfect recipe for doing something fun together that will allow you to reconnect in a new and delightful way. If you follow the ingredients of the Pastor Chefs, step by step, not only will you cook up a delicious meal for each of you to enjoy, but you will certainly heat up your relationship in a way that honors God and each other.

The Denivan Exile

by Michael MazzaroPaperbackFor Kindle

Book #2 of The Saga of Terminus Mundus series.

Tired, desperate, and heartbroken, the survivors of the Acadian coup arrive in the margrave of Deniva. Embracing her new mantle as the Queen of Central Acadia, Cassandra rallies new allies to aid her in the continuing war. Separated by a barrier, hundreds of miles away, the Kingdom of Titanus works tirelessly to counter the weapons used against them and to establish communication with the survivors. Yet, darkness still covers the Acadian plains as Abaddon’s specter haunts the land and no one is spared the malice wielded by the rebel King Maximilian Luminas. Despite these harsh times, a spark ignites in the far north reaches of the continent. From this ember, a wildfire of hope will consume everything evil has touched. An old Titan proverb touches the ears of all those willing to hear it: “Legends Never Die!”

Dust Thou Art: Finding God, Happiness, and Fulfillment

by R. Stewart FisherPaperbackFor Kindle

From the Foreword written by Coach John Wooden:

“In his latest book, Stew explores the soul-searching questions man has asked since he first walked upright and goes on to examine his relationship to a loving God. It is a deep and insightful look at what it means to be human and why we are here.

He reminds us that there is a wonderful purpose for our existence, but it cannot be fulfilled without a strong connection to Almighty God. Disconnected from Him, we are nothing more than dust. But in concert with Him, we can achieve the greatness He intended for each of us.

To be sure, we often stumble. We can be weak, proud, arrogant, cruel, lazy, and unfeeling. But we can also be generous, strong, selfless, creative, kind, and loving. We only rise to our best selves when we seek God’s help. Apart from Him, we are nothing.”

Prairie Academy

by Joann Ellen SiscoPaperbackFor Kindle

It would seem incredible that a house fire in New York City could have ripples around the world. But stranger things have happened. This book launches the five-book Carlile Corners series set in middle America in the late 1800s, where one seventeen-year-old girl with an advantaged background has a sudden opportunity to show the stuff she’s made of… on the frontier of Oklahoma Territory.

Josie Wheeler and her younger brother Josh are suddenly orphaned when their New York house goes up in flames. Having lived their whole lives in the city, they are suddenly forced to journey across the country to live with their nearest relatives in the just-settled Oklahoma Territory. Fighting snakes, wolf packs and other hazards of frontier living, Josie experiences and learns more than she ever would have thought.

Prairie Academy describes a time on the American frontier where where life wasn’t to be taken for granted — and one’s family and community pulling together was the only means of survival.

Are Church Folk Running People Away From God? Breaking the Code of Silence

by Cathy L. HarrisFor KindleFor Nook

For generations, several controversial topics have circled the church. As a result, people’s hearts have become hardened towards Christianity and God. Today, many churches have become the melting pot for confusion, frustration, and abandonment — church folk are being named as the blame.

Evangelist Cathy L. Harris, who has battled on both sides of the fence, has come to the embrace John 10:28-29: “If we truly belong to the Lord, no man can pluck us out of His hand.”

In her new book, she breaks the code of silence and gets to the heart of things as she addresses ten very controversial topics — topics that the enemy uses as tools to turn people away from God.

Evangelist Harris sets out to provide clarity, dispel the myths, and destroy the strongholds that the enemy has had over people throughout all of Christianity.

Leave a Legacy: Reflections on the Strategies of Great Leadership

by R. Stewart FisherPaperbackFor Kindle

U.S. Navy Captain and former Commanding Officer Stew Fisher has the wisdom of years of experience leading men and women in large organizations. In this book, he highlights some of the great leaders of history who have inspired him: Jesus, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and many others who brought about great change to society through their own ability to lead. Stew Fisher is still a student of leadership and this book will benefit others with his own experiences and studies. It starts with self-mastery: striving for excellence, not perfection. He then walks the reader through how to improve on personal interactions and then extending that to team leadership. Finally, he concludes with leaving a legacy and a legion of future leaders.


by Walt BreedePaperbackFor Kindle Alan Llewellyn, high school classmate of President James Kehoe, resigned from his high school teaching job a year ago to head up a sub-rosa truth-checking shop for his old classmate. His task: to eyeball and review Intelligence Community products that hit President Kehoe’s desk. In checking a paper on Arab extremists in Europe, Alan has the temerity to add a footnote–based on sparse but serious collected info–suggesting that a major terrorist plot against the United States is brewing in Europe. This grabs the immediate attention of the President and results in Alan being sent to Hamburg, Germany. There, he picks up several crucial clues, including a violent confrontation in his hotel, which suggests that the terrorists are on to him. Returning to Virginia, he and his crowd start to amass the indicators that a small cabal of Arab terrorists is indeed coming to the U.S. via Cuba bent on doing serious harm.


by Arthur PerkinsPaperbackFor Kindle IT’S CLOSING TIME…
The Tribulation is here–NOW. God is coming back for His Church… But before He does, Earl and Joyce have a special mission to complete.

The Church Age is about to end, bringing the world to the fearfully-anticipated Seventieth Week of Daniel, the final seven-year period spoken of by the prophet Daniel in Chapter Nine of his book in the Bible. Daniel’s Seventieth Week dovetails with Jesus’ description of the Time of the End in Matthew 24 and His yet more detailed description of the Great Tribulation and its awesome terrors in His Revelation to John.

Earl and Joyce are among the remnants whose mission will bring danger and pain to their doorstep as an increasingly dictatorial and self-serving society attempts to thwart God’s plans.

Just Paul

by Polly BrittonPaperback Just Paul is the story of an ordinary man raising an ordinary family in the 50s and 60s, before the age of computers and cell phones, when kids played outside all summer from dawn to dusk, rode their bikes everywhere, and knew if they disobeyed Mom or Dad they’d get punished because they deserved it. Moms and Dads took their kids to church on Sunday and taught them how to work so they’d grow up to be responsible adults. No matter how hard we fight it, we inevitably “turn into” our parents, and if you’re among the fortunate ones who’ve had godly parents, you have been truly blessed. Paul is an ordinary man with an extraordinary legacy – the total love and respect of his family and those who knew and remember him.

The Battle of Pneumatika

by Brian NewberryPaperbackFor Kindle In the aftermath of a massive earthquake in the vicinity of the Mountains of Ararat in Turkey, a huge ancient wooden structure is revealed. Renowned Old Testament scholar Dr. Christian Sage leads a team of five other college professors to investigate what could be the Noah’s Ark–and the archeological find of the century. While on their expedition, they encounter apocalyptic visions explaining the origins of evil. Meanwhile, Dr. Sage’s children, Air Force pilot Alex Sage, and college student Alicia Sage, cascade through their own encounters with angelic beings and a worldwide demonic conspiracy to bring back the evil that preceded the time of Noah’s Flood. “The Battle of Pneumatika” explores foundational Biblical concepts within a thrilling tale of suspense and intrigue set in the modern world.

The Echo’s Edge

by Magnus EggePaperback When WWII broke out, Magnus Egge went into the US Navy as a test pilot and then as a fighter pilot. After the war was over and after leaving the service, he attended St Olaf College and then Luther Seminary in Minnesota and became a minister. He ministered in Our Savior Lutheran church at Greenwood and Emmanuel Lutheran at Longwood, Wisconsin, and First English Lutheran at Redwood Falls, Minnesota. In California he started a mission church and served as minister at St. Andrews Lutheran in San Diego. He also served as a minister for Chapel of Peace Lutheran in Inglewood, Lutheran Church of Our Savior in San Clemente, and as a chaplain at Camp Pendelton, USMC. During his many years of ministry, he has led nine tours to the Holy Lands. Reverend Egge currently is Emeritus at Christ the King Lutheran Church in Fallbrook, California. This autobiography is about his life of service and the many adventures and trials that came with his calling.

The Legend of the Last Knight

by Michael MazzaroPaperback For Kindle Terminus Mundus is a planet of unrivaled beauty, mysticism, and danger. Its most formidable hero is Cedric Rhone, a prince feared and revered by his enemies and allies alike. After winning his final battlefield campaign, the middle-aged Prince looks to settle down peacefully with his beautiful, young betrothed Princess Cassandra Acadia. However, an eerie warning from his mentor forces Cedric and his loyal companions to embark on a desperate mission across the Acadian plains to uncover a coup against Cassandra’s father. Little does Cedric know that the diabolical forces working against him threaten not only the ones he loves but all of Terminus Mundus. His faith and the mysterious prophecy of the Permaneo Eques Ordinares may be all that can save Cassandra.

Without Warning: My Personal Journal of Struggling with Grief

by Jeanie KaiserPaperbackFor Kindle

On June 20, 2005, Jeanie Kaiser heard the words from a doctor that no one wants to hear: “Bad news, he didn’t make it…” After 45 years of marriage, her husband, Bob, who had been in good health, suffered a mild heart attack. This required a heart catheterization and Bob unexpectedly died following the procedure. Amidst the intense grief, there was confusion, anger and questioning God:

At the suggestion of her sister-in-law, Jeanie writes down her feelings, experiences, and interactions in a very personal journal that is presented here. The hope is that Without Warning: My Personal Journal of Struggling with Grief will be a comfort and source of encouragement to others as they work through their own period of loss and grief.

The Miracle Landing

by Harold GiffordPaperbackFor Kindle It was a rough couple of years for the NBA’s Minneapolis Lakers. But at least the 1959-60 season had a promising start. Team owner Bob Short had drafted college standout Elgin Baylor the year before and was rebuilding his team around this future superstar. Adding a new coach in the form of Jim Pollard along with a dose of hometown enthusiasm had fans looking up. The team even bought an airplane so they could play teams further away in the newly expanding NBA. Then something happened, completely out of anyone’s control, that almost changed everything. On January 17, 1960 after a game in St. Louis, the Lakers boarded their DC-3 for the flight home. Perhaps the memory of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and the Big Bopper perishing in an Iowa cornfield only 11 months earlier had faded. In any case, this flight would be like no other. For the first time in print, the co-pilot of that flight, Harold Gifford, tells the real, full story of what happened that almost wiped out the Lakers before that NBA dynasty even had a chance to really get started.

Gates: Thanksgiving Papers

by David NiedenfuerPaperbackFor Kindle You are saved by grace and kept by a grace, which is apart from your performance. The glorious liberty we have received as Christians was won for us by a God who loved us enough to die in our place. His death and resurrection purchased for us this liberty and the eternal life He now offers. We must choose the truth and defend this liberty daily if we are to walk out the victory He gained on our behalf. The Word of God boldly proclaims these wonderful truths provided by a wonderfully good God. The Word of God tells us, as believers, that the kingdom of God resides in us. We have entered this kingdom by hearing and receiving the truth, and we defend these kingdom truths by allowing them access into our hearts and choosing to reject the lies of the enemy. The ancient Hebrews defended their cities with thick walls and fortified gates, which were the access points into their cities. They had to know who to allow in and who to keep out. The kingdom that resides in us as believers has gates as well, which must be guarded.

Becoming a True Worshipper

by Timothy D. Lucas Sr.PaperbackFor Kindle

What is worship?

What does God say about worship?

How should we worship?

These are fundamental questions for every Christian. Seemingly so basic, yet they get lost in the details of everyday life. Pastor Timothy Lucas brings the subject of worship back to the forefront with this book. In this study of what it means to worship, Pastor Tim talks about:

  • How we are created for worship
  • Experiencing corporate worship
  • The character of a true worshipper
  • Worship as a lifestyle

And many other aspects of worshipping God.

Sanity Check

by Walt BreedePaperback For Kindle “Sanity Check” asks an interesting question: How does the President of the United States know he is getting the best and most honest information from the vast U.S. Intelligence community? How does he know that the daily briefs and frequent reports he is receiving, which have been produced by numerous hands, are free of hidden agendas and political spin? “Sanity Check” explores this issue. “Sanity Check” is the third novel in the Alan Llewellyn series which follows math teacher and former U.S. Navy officer Alan Llewellyn as he gets caught up in the murky world of Chinese espionage.

Once for All: Learning God’s Nature (Book 1)

by John AnthonyPaperback For Kindle “Once for All: Learning God’s Nature” is part one in a three book series. This book will inspire and motivate the reader to immerse themselves in the Scriptures for a greater understanding of the divine nature of God. It will educate the reader to see spiritual truths, within the Scriptures, through logical reasoning. It will further reveal, with more clarity, the contrasting reality of worldly thinking versus Godly thinking and will answer the life questions that we all have concerning eternal choices that we will ultimately make.
“I am so grateful for this book by my friend, John. I am sure it will inspire and encourage you in your journey to know more about this amazing God we serve.”
—Brady Boyd, Senior Pastor, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, CO

Sting of the Heat Bug

by Jack SheedyPaperback For Kindle Through a crisis of faith, hope emerges. The author explores his crisis of faith when his sister, Peggy, dies at age 40 from complications due to diabetes. Through creative application of images and metaphor, employing the cicada (heat bug) and the phoebe, this memoir takes the reader on a personal journey of humor, poignancy and struggle that ultimately ends with a sense of hope.

“If you grew up in Smalltown, U.S.A.–and even if you didn’t–Sting of the Heat Bug will take you home. Stealing strawberries, trying to make sense of the secret code of adult-speak, dealing with unexpected pain–it’s all here. I highly recommend this book.”
—Susan Campbell, award-winning former columnist at The Hartford Courant, and the author of the memoir Dating Jesus and the biography, Tempest-Tossed: The Spirit of Isabella Beecher Hooker.

The Alabama Rebel

by R. Thomas RoePaperback For Kindle This historically based novel is a window into Alabama both before, during and after the Civil War. River Hunter is the son of a Cherokee mother and a Scotch-Irish father who has a unique perspective on a society that undergoes a radical shift forced on it by the War. River’s father is presumed dead after disappearing on a trapping trip into the mountains of the Carolinas, so, River’s mother gathers her children and they move to the cotton belt of Alabama to avoid being shipped west by President Jackson during the Removal time for Native Americans. River rapidly adapts to the new life and is betrothed to a beautiful young woman who has inherited a substantial plantation upon the death of her husband in the War. Many problems plague the young couple from the forces existing in the South after the War to the prejudicial attitudes of River’s in-laws to the polarized politics between the newly freed Slaves and their former owners. This fascinating novel exams all sides within the context of a very unique segment of American history.

Little Pieces of Trauma

by Chris DahiFor Kindle Stories of wars and children are as old as time and have been told in every form and in every culture. They have even been romanticized. However when these stories are told by a master story teller like author Chris Dahi, it takes a totally different tone and develops a life of its own. As a war child himself with experiences in the terrible three-year Biafra war, Dahi is able to inject that tangible touch of reality into these powerful and emotionally charged stories as relayed in “Little Pieces of Trauma”. “Little Pieces of Trauma” are stories that you just can not just leave alone. This book leaves your mouth dry as you know it is reality in fiction. Though Dahi has succeeded in cutting out the likely gory and lurid details and created literary names of people and places in this work, yet the power of it still captivates and grips your heart as you are transported into the heat of it and share the pains, sorrows and terrors with these children.

Alaskan Dawn

by Richard EvansPaperback For Kindle A young Russian teenager travels to Alaska with his parents to obtain lend-lease supplies at the beginning of World War II. Both of his parents are killed during the raid on Dutch Harbor and Alexander is sent to the mainland of Alaska to stay with an American family until the end of the war. The influence of the Hunt family has a strong impact on Alexander and he decides to defect. In his struggle to find a new freedom, Alexander deals with Soviet kidnappers, a new love, and confronting his doubts about God. In the end, will he be separated from all he has learned to love to save his own life?

Hanged in Shame, Standing in Glory: Life Lessons from the Thief on the Cross

by Jeffrey J. ValeriotiPaperback For Kindle This study offers the reader a closer examination of Christ’s words to the penitent thief as recorded in the Gospel of Luke. The book contains 12 lessons to be applied for personal growth in the lives of both the seeker and the Christian. While the most important lesson learned from the thief on the cross may be that it is never too late to choose Christ, there are numerous life lessons to be unlocked from the brief account of this repentant criminal on the cross next to Jesus. As the reader journeys back to the hill at Calvary, he is invited to interact with Scripture at a deeper level and fix his eyes and his heart upon the brief exchange between two dying men: one serving a sentence as the just punishment for his own sins and the One serving the sentence for the rest of mankind.

the Black Dog

by Rev. John R. DolanPaperbackFor Kindle This book describes one man’s life experiences as he struggled with anxiety and depression. The book describes the mental, physical but most importantly the power of the Holy Spirit that eventually enabled John to develop resilience, and thus led him into the sunlight of a full and meaningful life. Anxiety and depression have always been taboo in society. Frequently, the subjects cannot be touched with a “ten-foot pole”, let alone be a subject for family discussion. Depression is seen as neither worthy of compassion nor understanding. For the author of this book, a familiar record plays. “Young man, depressed? Nonsense; you have everything you need; just buck up and face the world the way we all have to.” The message in this book is one of hope and of love, but most of all it demonstrates what is possible when you place your life, unconditionally, in the hands of Jesus Christ.

Aging With Dignity: My Heart Transplant Story

by Ronald GainsfordPaperbackFor Kindle Ron Gainsford should have been dead of heart failure a long time ago. Instead, through grit and determination, extraordinary medical intervention, and by the grace of God, Ron received a heart transplant in 1994 and is very much alive and active today. Indeed, Ron at age 82 may be the oldest surviving patient of a heart transplant at currently 17 years living because of his new heart. In this inspiring true story, Ron takes the reader from the streets of industrial Pittsburgh in the 1930s Great Depression, through the War years, and then through his career as a school teacher. He was healthy and active until his heart started giving up on him. At almost the last minute while he lay deathly ill in the hospital, the nurse came into his room and said, “Mr. Gainsford, your heart is here!” and Ron replied, “Let’s go!” Through the struggle of recovery, Ron keeps an upbeat and positive attitude. With humor and an appreciation for life, Ron tells his story.

My Sister My Friend

by Joann Ellen SiscoPaperback This is the second novel in the War Eagle River Series. The War Eagle River starts from an underground stream at the top of Five Mile Hill, cascades off rock ledges, pauses in sparkling pools and joins with the rills and trickles on the way. The rushing stream plunges over a cliff and lands in a valley in clouds of sparkling spray. It courses across the valley, turning the grinding wheel at Applegate’s Grist Mill before emptying into a much larger river headed toward the Mississippi.The small town of River Bend clusters around the rive where its hardworking folks interact as in every small town. Some bad, some good and some trying to be good. And the river rolls on. Author Joann Ellen Sisco perfectly captures the voice and soul of the southern Ozarks. People are people, no matter where they are, but the subtle culture and expression of language is unique to a place and time and no one masters this better for this distinctive section of America than Sisco.

Twixt the Road and the River

by Joann Ellen SiscoPaperbackFor Kindle This is the first book in the War Eagle River series. The War Eagle River starts from an underground stream at the top of Five Mile Hill, cascades off rock ledges, pauses in sparkling pools and joins with the rills and trickles on the way. The rushing stream plunges over a cliff and lands in a valley in clouds of sparkling spray. It courses across the valley, turning the grinding wheel at Applegate’s Grist Mill before emptying into a much larger river headed toward the Mississippi. The small town of River Bend clusters around the rive where its hardworking folks interact as in every small town. Some bad, some good and some trying to be good. And the river rolls on. Author Joann Ellen Sisco perfectly captures the voice and soul of the southern Ozarks. People are people, no matter where they are, but the subtle culture and expression of language is unique to a place and time and no one masters this better for this distinctive section of America than Sisco.


by Arthur Perkins PaperbackKindle This ebook exclusive novel from Art Perkins is a love story–but one told in a deeper way than the typical romantic adventure, because it is a story not just between people, but with the romance God shares between Himself and mankind. “Buddy” follows Earl and his pain at the tragic loss of his wife. Through dealing with his own grief and the pressures of his job, he dives into distraction with his hang gliding activity. Through an unexpected encounter with God, he volunteers his time at a local nursing home and befriends a young man afflicted with cerebral palsy. Joyce, whose husband had been killed by a drunk driver, meets Earl at work. Sharing much in common with each other, they find themselves forming deep connections with each other. At the same time, connections also are developing with God and with Buddy, bringing Earl and Joyce through a series of adventures into a unique understanding of God. “Buddy” is a story of these connections and how God works through the Holy Spirit to bring people, broken in their own ways, to Him in love.

What I Teach About Leadership

by Paul B. ThorntonFor Kindle What makes some leaders more effective than others? It’s complicated, but when seen through the eyes of Paul B. Thornton a clear pattern emerges. He reveals the actions needed to be an inspiring leader in today’s complex, competitive, and ever-changing world. His new e-book, “What I Teach about Leadership” will help you up your game when it comes to facing reality, challenging the status quo, inspiring people, and implementing change. All leaders will find numerous nuggets of great advice in his book.

Oma Tells Histories: A Devotional Book for Parents to Share with Their Children

by Dina van Beek; Illustrated by Daniel van MagillPaperbackFor Kindle

Do you want to teach your children the stories of the Bible in a way that will honor God? Do you want your children to get excited about God in learning His stories? “Oma tells Histories” does just that by relating these Bible classics in a way that is understandable for children and will get them asking questions and wanting to know more. Wonderfully illustrated, “Oma tells Histories” also includes prayers to further enrich the experience of parents and grandparents reading with their children and grandchildren.

Gridlock: Why We’re In It and How to Get Out

by Payne EdwardsPaperbackFor Kindle

American governance is incapable of meeting the needs of the people and has put the country on a path to financial crisis. Today’s turmoil has spawned general discontent and widespread frustration, but there seems to be no way out. This essay is not a prescription for restructuring, reforming or remaking the federal government. Rather, it takes a step back, and suggests a vision for reforming the system of American governance that can capture the imaginations of Democratic, Republican and Independent voters.

100 Conversation Starters: Practical Help for Sharing Your Faith

by Rory Kaye and Peter StrandPaperbackFor Kindle Do you want to share the good news of Jesus, but not sure how to get started? Need some tips on how to break the ice and talk about your faith to family, friends and acquaintances? “100 Conversation Starters: Practical Help for Sharing Your Faith” is a wonderful “how to” that will provide you with ways to easily talk about your faith in everyday conversation that is not off-putting or threatening. Understanding and following these conversation starters is a stress-free way to help you reach a deeper level in conversing with others without the fear of offending them. You will learn to share your faith in a truly authentic way that those around you will come to appreciate.

Flight into Sanity: A Memoir of Recovery

by Sara OrbetonPaperbackFor Kindle A true account of the author’s journey through mental illness and alcoholism brought one through an abusive upbringing that included her loss of a parent at an early age, physical, mental and sexual abuse at the hands of relatives, and her own encounters with mental illness within the family. This highly detailed narrative takes the reader on this journey, through decades of dealing with the effects of the abuse, but ultimately seeking survival, recovery, reconciliation, and eventual triumph. For those experiencing a similar type of pain, “Flight into Sanity” will leave the reader with a promise of hope. The author discovers that human beings have the ability to heal from unbelievable pain and suffering. Today, the author is able to reflect back on her experiences and share her story with others in the hope that her experiences will shine a light on a path to healing and recovery.

Wild Bill Hickok and the Wrath of the Dead Rabbits

by James Mic Regan PaperbackFor Kindle On the afternoon of August 2, 1876, in the Number Ten Saloon of Deadwood, Dakota Territory, Wild Bill Hickok was shot in the back and killed while playing cards. A man named Jack McCall was charged with the murder and found innocent at first. In 1877, however, he was re-arrested, re-tried and then executed by hanging for the murder of Wild Bill. Many questions have remained unanswered. Who really killed Wild Bill? New research suggests an unexpected group out for revenge. This research is revealed for the first time by author James Mic Regan.

Blinding White Flash

by J. Richard WakefieldPaperbackFor kindle The winter of 2016, called Black Winter, triggers the beginning of the end of modern civilization due to natural gas depletion. Millions freeze to death, millions more lose their jobs. Coupled with an oil embargo in the Middle East, and North America is in economic collapse. Riots abound. China, hungry for oil and raw materials, uses the chaos in the United States to invade Canada to get at the forests, farmlands and above all the Canadian tar sands for the oil. They must be stopped. This sparks a world war. A father and son team, from a small town in southwestern Ontario, join in the fight to repel the invaders. During their year-long journey through the Rockies and into the north lands of Alberta, they discover first-hand the impact and effects of peak oil on the people they meet along the way. This includes what happens in hospitals, to those in jails, to roving gangs who take over and rule like dictators, to those dedicated to preserving some part of the past, to the kindness that exists in some people regardless of the hardships they face.

Symbolic Logic and the Binomial Expansion: Two Math Projects

by Richard ForringerWorkbookFor kindle Symbolic Logic and the Binomial Expansion are subjects that are often mentioned in High School and College math courses. The two projects contained in this book have been carefully developed to help the student achieve a more in-depth understanding of these concepts. These projects are designed to be done independently or they can be incorporated into the curriculum of any math course from second semester algebra and beyond. Students who complete these projects will gain a stronger appreciation of what it means to think logically and they will see how two seemingly unrelated areas of study connect in ways that strengthen both.

The Dark Legion

by Michael HolladayPaperbackFor Kindle ** 2012 National Indie Excellence Book Awards Finalist **
All his life Thareous was fascinated by the encaged dragon in Galgon’s palace courtyard. But what was his past, and why was it caged? He remembered tales of a beast that had harassed the kingdom a generation past. He often visited with Nalla, a princess, hoping to find an indication of this, for he knows there to be more to the dragon… Then, during one visit, the dragon speaks to Thareous and Nalla, warning them of an evil horde marching for Galgon. Soon events turn against them, and the dragon, known as Ianvorr, is forced to take them into the forgotten realms of the kingdom, Keiratha. There the exiled order known as the Omnipotent Ones has hidden, but now stir in this time of need. Upon meeting them, Thareous discovers he is the target of a millennia-old prophecy: that he must defeat the gravest threat known to all.

Modern Sacrifices

by Jan OsbornePaperbackFor Kindle For many of us, it is hard to relate to Jesus’ life or other stories in the Bible because we live in a different world than they did. This book is a narrative description of Jesus’ life, set in a modern-day setting, in attempt to relate to our savior’s life and the huge sacrifice he made for us. This book is not meant to rewrite the Bible, but to retell the biggest event in the history of the world in order to help people understand the magnitude of it. Mary and Joseph are high school students living a modest and obedient life as followers of God. They are ridiculed for their God-fearing reputations, while their peers are partying and promoting promiscuous behavior. After two years at a community college, Mary and Joseph embark on a mission trip around the world, rebuilding houses torn down by destruction of war. While on their trip, Mary finds herself sick and is scared that she might have a disease that is plaguing the area. Then she gets the confirmed diagnosis: she is pregnant…

Restoration NOW!

by Nancy EskijianPaperbackFor Kindle Restoration NOW! is a detailed resource on the ministry of inner healing and deliverance for ministers and lay persons to enable believers to reclaim their intended identity, inheritance and purpose in Christ. Restoration NOW! explains what the Lord desires for us, the damage and effects of sin, and the condition into which we find ourselves. However, it also reveals specific practical steps from scripture and hands-on ministry to heal wounds, liberate souls, and provide a pattern for growth and living in Christ. The Seven Levels of Cleansing and Restoration at the heart of this book take the reader through the dimensions of change for restoration of the soul. This book also unfolds a compassionate, Biblical, and healing approach to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues. Restoration NOW! is literally a roadmap for the soul.

Reconciliation: A Son’s Story

Reconciliation A Son's Storyby Steve SparksPaperbackFor Kindle This is a true American story about father who went to war and came back changed by what he saw and by what he experienced. How this impacted his family was profound, yet unrecognized for what it was back then. Today we know much more about the effects of PTSD on the individual, but what about the family members closest to that person? This story of living through a toxic environment yet ultimately coming to an understanding leads to the long sought reconciliation of a son with his father. A very timely book, this may help the thousands of families of veterans of our own current generation returning from their war experiences to better understand the effects of PTSD on the family.

Out of Time: One Couple’s Journey Through Cancer

by Nancy Greyson BeckermanPaperbackFor Kindle “Nan, look at this!” So begins this account of one couple’s battle with a rare and deadly form of cancer. One moment Barry was a healthy, active man in the prime of his life; the next, he was a terrified, helpless patient. Anyone who has had cancer, who has been a caregiver, or who has had a friend or loved one receive this diagnosis will be drawn to this story. During the four years of Barry’s treatment, there was much that changed for this couple. They met health care professionals they call “angels.” They discovered just how much love and support their family, friends, and community offer. And they found themselves on a completely unexpected spiritual path. This book explores in a loving, real, and powerful way how their lives changed and how they confronted each challenge they encountered with dignity, perseverance, and courage.

Staying Alive: A Love Story

by Laura B. HaydenOrder “Staying Alive: A Love Story” is a tale of hope and renewal that centers on the author’s twelve-year exploration of mortality, after her 49-year-old husband’s sudden death. Coupled with other losses in her life including one of her kidneys to cancer, the memoir digs deep through self-exploration and astute observations of the natural world as it chronicles her efforts to come to terms with grief and live a fully invested life, for herself and her two children. This vividly real story of lives reinvented ultimately speaks to human resilience and the power of love.

Common Sense Solutions to Real Problems

by Richard ForringerPaperbackFor Kindle Mathematician and veteran educator Richard Forringer offers a unique approach to solving four major issues affecting our nation today: 1) Education: how can we provide an environment for our kids that is conducive to actually learning? 2) How do we solve our energy problems? 3) What is the “war” on drugs really doing? Has it ever worked, and can we do something better? 4) The recent federal budget and debt ceiling crisis are merely the rumblings of far worse to come. What is the solution?

Institutes of the Christian Religion

by John CalvinFor Kindle For Nook Highly influential work by one of the foremost theologians in history — John Calvin. His thoughts on God and humankind and the relationship between creator and created have formed the basic doctrines of today’s major protestant churches throughout the world. Seminary and other theology students study Calvin and his work today to gain insight and understanding into the nature of God, supplementing a detailed study of the Holy Bible itself. Institutes of the Christian Religion is a MUST READ for any serious student of Christian doctrine and theology.

Get the Job You Want in IT: Insider Strategies for a Successful Job Search Campaign

by Ian O’Sullivan and John McClurePaperbackFor Kindle Two experienced corporate IT managers have teamed up in this practical new book to help their colleagues use proven strategies to land the job they want in the Information Technology field. This workbook outlines a simple 12 step process for conducting a successful job search campaign. Included is information on what IT hiring managers are looking for when they seek to fill an open position, how to network, how to conduct a successful interview, and how to negotiate for the best compensation package possible.

Beyond the Cosmos: What Recent Discoveries in Astrophysics Reveal About the Glory and Love of God

by Hugh RossPaperbackFor Kindle New Third Edition of this classic from Dr. Hugh Ross! The Bible is unique among the sacred writings of the world’s great religions, describing God as existing beyond the reaches of time and space as we know them. In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Hugh Ross examines scientific evidence that confirms the Bible’s declaration about God’s role in creation and may help explain some of the great paradoxes of the Christian faith.

The Gaelic Letters

by R. Thomas RoePaperback Winner of a 2010 Royal Palm Literary Award. Intriguing story about retired lawyer Quinn Parker who, during research into his family’s roots, discovers he may have a claim on a rather large inheritance. When he travels to Ireland to look further into his family history, he becomes catapulted into a family and national drama far beyond his control. This book has a great storyline that really draws in the reader along with some great dialog. — Now available from Signalman Publishing both in Kindle and paperback versions.

Currently available titles from Signalman Publishing

The Battle of Pneumatika

by Brian NewberryPaperbackFor Kindle In the aftermath of a massive earthquake in the vicinity of the Mountains of Ararat in Turkey, a huge ancient wooden structure is revealed. Renowned Old Testament scholar Dr. Christian Sage leads a team of five other college professors to investigate what could be the Noah’s Ark–and the archeological find of the century. While on their expedition, they encounter apocalyptic visions explaining the origins of evil. Meanwhile, Dr. Sage’s children, Air Force pilot Alex Sage, and college student Alicia Sage, cascade through their own encounters with angelic beings and a worldwide demonic conspiracy to bring back the evil that preceded the time of Noah’s Flood. “The Battle of Pneumatika” explores foundational Biblical concepts within a thrilling tale of suspense and intrigue set in the modern world.

On the Christian Life

by John CalvinFor Kindle From one of the foremost Christian theologians and thinkers comes this treatise on how to live the Christian Life. Why does a Christian suffer? What answers does God and Jesus provide in the Bible to deal with the daily hardships of life? John Calvin delves into these questions and much more. This edition has been modernized to be published for the Kindle reader.

The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

by John Maynard Keynes PaperbackFor Kindle By one of the foremost economists of our times, Keynes sets forth his “General Theory” which at its practical implementation, argues for the stimulus of demand that governments can provide in order to prevent or mitigate an economic depression or recession. Certainly this work has been studied and its thoughts applied by policy makers for decades thus making it a must read for any student of economics or those interested in economic policy.

Gates: Thanksgiving Papers

by David NiedenfuerPaperbackFor Kindle You are saved by grace and kept by a grace, which is apart from your performance. The glorious liberty we have received as Christians was won for us by a God who loved us enough to die in our place. His death and resurrection purchased for us this liberty and the eternal life He now offers. We must choose the truth and defend this liberty daily if we are to walk out the victory He gained on our behalf. The Word of God boldly proclaims these wonderful truths provided by a wonderfully good God. The Word of God tells us, as believers, that the kingdom of God resides in us. We have entered this kingdom by hearing and receiving the truth, and we defend these kingdom truths by allowing them access into our hearts and choosing to reject the lies of the enemy. The ancient Hebrews defended their cities with thick walls and fortified gates, which were the access points into their cities. They had to know who to allow in and who to keep out. The kingdom that resides in us as believers has gates as well, which must be guarded.

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