Amazon Kindle eBook Publishing – How to Publish on Kindle

Amazon Kindle eBook Publishing – How to Publish on Kindle

4.2 (596 ratings)

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7,831 students enrolled

Secrets to Kindle eBook Creation – Writing, Formatting, Self-Publishing eBooks on Amazon

4.2 (596 ratings)

Course Ratings are calculated from individual students’ ratings and a variety of other signals, like age of rating and reliability, to ensure that they reflect course quality fairly and accurately.

7,831 students enrolled

Created by Steve McDonald

Last updated 11/2019


English [Auto-generated]

Current price: €11.99 Original price: €174.99 Discount: 93% off

5 hours left at this price!

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This course includes

  • 5 hours on-demand video
  • 10 articles
  • 6 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion

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What you’ll learn

  • Create and sell Kindle eBooks and have FUN doing it!
  • Understand how eBooks work and how you can leverage them to create passive income
  • Choose a great subject for your eBook
  • How to Write an eBook or Hire Writers to Write an eBook for you
  • Create an eBook that people will want to read
  • Format your eBook quickly and easily to look great on Kindle
  • Add a title, keywords and a description that will help your book get found
  • Create a quality cover for your eBook for next to nothing
  • Learn how to roll the income from your first book or books into hiring writers to create eBooks for you


  • All you need to create an eBook is basic English skills, a computer with an internet connection and a willingness to start earning residual income.


If you love the idea of publishing eBooks on Amazon Kindle this course is for you.  I have published over 115 kindle books, and in this course I’ll show you exactly how I did it.

Update as of 11/13/2019:

It’s not as easy to make money on Kindle as it used to be. Not nearly as easy. So, take this course if you want to learn how to create Kindle books for fun, for authority, or maybe to sell a few of them. But please understand that it isn’t the magical cash cow that it used to be 7 years ago when I started.

Okay, that being said, would you like to learn how to publish a book on amazon? In this course, I’ll teach you how to self publish an eBook  on Amazon.         

I have published over 115 eBooks on Amazon. 

You can see a list of them on Amazon by going to Amazon, then clicking on Wishlists > Find Someone’s Wishlist > and search for Steve McDonald. You will see a lot of search results. Mine is the list called “Steve’s List of Published Books”. You can click on the free preview of any of those books and you’ll see that they all say “Copyright (the year) Stephen McDonald”.  

My name is on the copyright page because I published all of those books and I own the full rights to those books. Most of them I have published under the original author’s name (I’ll explain why I do that and the benefits of that strategy in the course). 

Here’s what you can expect from this course: 

  • The eBook publishing process I’ll teach you is fun and fulfilling.

  • It is a process you can feel great about doing because you are adding value to the world.

  • Your mother would approve of all of the practices in this course. I don’t encourage you to follow any practices that are against a company’s terms of service, are unethical, or would in any other way keep my own mother from being anything less than proud.

  • This course will move you from beginner to expert in no time.

  • I’ll show you how to write useful books about a subject that you know.

  • You can start creating and publishing eBooks today, even if you have no extra money to spend.

It’s as simple as that!  

This course will short-cut all of the trial and error for you so you can get straight to publishing eBooks. 

The course also includes a FREE BONUS, a pre-formatted Kindle eBook template for Microsoft Word (and now in Open Office too!) so you can plug your book into the template, click a few buttons and upload it directly to Kindle Direct Publishing. This template makes writing and publishing eBooks so easy. It will save you tons of time on each and every book you publish, and as I’m sure you know, your time is your most valuable asset. 

Imagine just typing your book into a simple word document, saving it to Amazon, adding a cover (which I’ll show you how to get for about $10), previewing it for errors in Amazon’s free previewing tool, and clicking publish! It’s really that simple. 

 I’m here to answer any questions you have.

Simply scroll up, click the Take This Course button and get started on your first Kindle book today!   

Who this course is for:

  • If you want to make residual income creating and selling eBooks this course will show you exactly how to do it.
  • If you have always wanted to publish your own eBook just to see it out there, this course will show you exactly how to do it.

Featured review

Nella CoiroNella Coiro ( 75 courses, 35 reviews )

a year ago

This course was outstanding! I learned so much p, and it was fun at the same time. Steve is a very good teacher – interesting, engaging, pleasant voice. I took another course which was similar to this, but the instructor talked so fast that it was difficult to follow and frustrating. This is the course to choose if you want a comprehensive A to Z approach that will help you with both ebooks and paperback options that are now available on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). Thanks.

Course content

Expand all 46 lectures 05:23:10

+ – Steve’s Course Update November 2019

1 lecture 03:55

This is an update to reset realistic expectations for what you can accomplish publishing Kindle Books.

Steve’s Course Update November 2019

Preview 03:55

+ – A Complete Walk Through of the Process of Publishing an eBook

9 lectures 53:22

My List of Books Published on Amazon

Preview 00:21

Now we’re going to dive right into the eBook publishing process. In this lecture we’ll walk through how to use the Kindle Direct Publishing, or KDP, dashboard. The KDP dashboard with be like your command center for building your Kindle eBook Snowball. This is where you’ll upload your eBooks, enter all of the relevant data about your eBooks like title, keywords and description, preview your eBooks to see how they look on a Kindle device, set your pricing and, most importantly, publish your eBooks.

Where the Magic Happens – the KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) Dashboard

Preview 01:55

This is where your eBook starts to take shape. Enter a title, keywords, author name and a compelling description. Your readers will use this information to find and purchase your book, so it’s important to do this right.

You’ll learn techniques for coming up with keywords that help people find your book. You’ll also learn how to quickly write titles and descriptions that help to sell your book.

How to Sell Your Book Using the Title, Description and Keywords in KDP

Preview 07:24

Sell Your Book Faster – Write a Dazzling Description


Would you like to add some flair to your eBook’s Kindle page description? 

Use the simple template provided. Simply enter your book description into the spaces provided between the code.

Just replace the text in italics with the text from your description. Be sure to leave all of the code (shown here in bold) in place.

eBook Descriptions – A Simple HTML Template for Making Them Fancy

2 pages

The cover is the most important piece of marketing for your eBook. It is also the biggest thing that prevents authors from publishing an eBook. Fortunately, there are several ways to create an eBook cover that are easy and inexpensive.

In this video you’ll learn how to easily create a mediocre cover for free on your own if you are desperate. You’ll also learn tips for creating one at Fiverr (dot) com for 10 bucks..

It’s very important that your books eventually have professional, attractive, compelling covers to help sell your fabulous eBooks, but don’t let an imperfect cover prevent you from publishing an eBook. Do the best that you can with the resources you have right now. The great thing about Kindle is that you can easily change the cover down the road once you have learned more about the publishing process.

Creating a Free eBook Cover


Create a Cover that Sells Using Fiverr – New 3/4/15


*Update 1/27/15: One other secret to jump starting your sales right after you publish it is to enroll in KDP Select (you’ll see this at the top of the page when you are editing your book info) and do a FREE promo for your book for five days. This is really easy to do and it can help boost your sales and maybe even get you a review right away.*

One exciting thing about KDP is that it allows you to preview your eBook to see how it will look on Kindle devices. It even checks your book for potential spelling errors. Once you upload your book file, click on the preview button and go through your whole book. Make sure it looks absolutely awesome and that there are no layout or formatting issues and that the title, table of contents and chapter headings all look great. Also double check your spelling and grammar.

By doing this you can avoid having your first review be a 1 star review for bad spelling, grammar or formatting. This gives your book a much higher chance of getting those coveted 5 star reviews and a jump start toward success.

How to Upload, Preview, Price and Publish Your eBook to Get the Sales Started


    Note: This lecture is also included in some of my other courses. If you’ve already watched it you can skip to the next lecture.

      KDP Select is a great tool to use for promoting your book and making more money from your eBooks. It includes three basic elements:

      1. KOLL (Kindle Owners Lending Library)
      2. KU (Kindle Unlimited)
      3. Free book promotions

      In this lecture I walk you through the benefits and drawbacks of using each of these in marketing and selling your eBooks. I’ll also show you how to quickly and easily create a free promo for you eBooks on the KDP website.

      KDP Select – Using Free Promos and eBook Borrows to Increase Your Income


      A Complete Walk-Through of the Process of Publishing an eBook

      3 questions

      + – How to Actually Write Your First eBook

      3 lectures 23:51

      In this lecture I’ll walk you through how to write your first Kindle eBook using my pre-formatted template. The template will help you to organize your eBook into logical Chapters and Sub-chapters. The important part is that as you write you focus on sharing what you know, like you are writing to a friend.

      Introduction – How to Write an eBook


      These 10 steps apply to any book you might want to write. They’ll help you start the process of writing and follow it through to the finished book.

      Use this framework for writing your first Kindle eBook. I show you the entire process that you go through, step-by-step, to write a book. 

      Writing a book isn’t easy, but following this process will make a lot easier.

      10 Steps to Writing Your First eBook


      We’ve all fantasized about dictating a book. Now you can, using one of the many free dictation programs available online. Dictating is faster than writing, it often flows better and it’s easier to get lots of ideas out of your brain when you are speaking them.

      How to Dictate a Kindle eBook


      + – How to Pick a Profitable eBook Niche

      3 lectures 16:30

      For many people, picking a subject and actually writing the eBook is the hardest part of the publishing process. This lecture will show you how easy it can be if you just know the right steps to take. It will walk you through strategies for brainstorming a topic, where and how to look for more ideas, and most importantly, how to write an eBook simply and effectively.

      How to Pick a Profitable Subject


      This lecture will show you were Amazon sales rank and search results numbers are located. It also introduces you to what the numbers mean so you can start to choose a good niche to write your Kindle eBook about.

      Understanding Sales Rank and Search Results Numbers


      Here are a few tricks to choosing the right size of niche for your eBook. Use these powerful numbers as a guide when picking your next topic. Don’t feel locked in by the numbers. Just use them to help you to find the most profitable niche that you can for your eBook.

      Example of a Good Niche Size by the Numbers


      + – The Power of Brainstorming

      3 lectures 17:37

      Brainstorming is a powerful way to come up with great book ideas. It can also help you develop additional subject ideas for new chapters within the book. This lecture gives you an overview of the brainstorming process as well as some of my personal strategies for getting the most out of any brainstorming session.

      How to Brainstorm Book Ideas


      This is an example of a live brainstorming session so you can see exactly how I do this to come up with great eBook ideas.

      Live Brainstorming Session Example


      This list lays out the “rules” of brainstorming.

      Brainstorming Checklist


      + – SEO – It’s (almost) All About Keywords

      2 lectures 27:26

      Note: The next two lectures are also included in my other courses, so if you’ve already seen them you might want to skip to the next section.

      If you haven’t watched it yet, this lecture might be the most important one in the course. Keywords are the key (pun intended) to getting traffic to your eBook, which is key to getting it sold.

      In this lecture you’ll learn how to do some deeper keyword research and even more importantly,how to make good decisions about which keywords to useand which keywords to ignore.

      Keyword Research and Deciding on Keyword Relevance


      Note: This lecture is also included in my other courses, so if you’ve already seen it you might want to skip to the next section.

      Once you have done your research, what do you do with your list of keywords? In this lecture you’ll learn how to take the list of keywords that we came up with in the previous lecture and weave them into your eBook’s title and description.

      I’ll walk you through how I would use that keyword list to create a book title and description that not only appeals to potential readers but also has tons of searchable keywords so Google will help your readers find your book.

      Using Keywords Correctly to Get Your Book Found


      It’s (almost) All About Keywords

      3 questions

      + – eBook Template for Quick and Easy Publishing

      6 lectures 26:36

      **** This template was updated on 2/11/15. I changed the paragraph spacing for the “normal” heading from Multilple 1.15 to Single. This is a subtle change, but the single spacing comes out looking a lot more spacious and easy to read in the final Kindle preview.

      If you have a book created under the older version you can just modify the Normal heading, go to paragraph, and change the spacing to single and see if it makes your book look nicer. Let me know if you have any questions about it.

      Bonus Download – MS Word Pre-formatted eBook Template

      16.8 kB

      In case you don’t have Microsoft Word, try this template that you can use with the free software Apache Open Office. Enjoy!

      Bonus Download – Open Office Pre-formatted eBook Template


      The next 3 lectures walk you through creating the exact pre-formatted template that I use to create all of my eBooks. I also send this template to my freelancers on Elance. I instruct them not to add any other formatting as it will not translate to Kindle very well. They write their book into the template and send it to me. It saves me a TON of reformatting time and allows me to quickly edit and upload the finished eBook to KDP.

      I have attached a version of this formatted template for you to download as well. I recommend following along with the video so that you understand how the template was created and how to use it effectively.

      Download and open the template. You might have to click the ENABLE EDITING button at the top so you can make changes to the document. Be sure to save it as something you can remember, such as Pre-formatted eBook Template. Then it will be ready to be used again and again.

      Part 1 – In this lecture you will learn how to set up the basic template and add a title page.

      Title and Layout


      Part 2 – In this lecture you will learn to create the most important part of the eBook, the Table of Contents. Once you master this task you will be well on your way to creating eBooks quickly and easily.

      The Table of Contents


      Part 3 – In this lecture you will learn how to create a framework on which to hang the contents of your book. Your book will be divided into Chapter Headings and Subheadings that will create a flow for the reader. These Headings will also serve as links in your Table of Contents, allowing your readers to easily navigate your book.

      Chapter Headings and Sub-headings


      Adding Photos


      Review – eBook Template for Quick and Easy Publishing

      4 questions

      + – How to Outsource eBook Writing

      6 lectures 45:04

      How to outsource your Kindle eBooks.

      This is the where your Kindle eBook Snowball starts rolling. Once you have created one or two eBooks that are trickling in money each month you can use that income to pay writers to create MORE books for you.

      This section walks you through the process of hiring writers on Upwork to create your eBooks. I’ll show you the secret to attracting writers who will happily write quality books inexpensively so you can grow your passive income snowball.

      Outsource eBooks on Upwork – Intro

      Preview 01:39

      This lecture walks you through the process of hiring writers on Upwork to create your eBooks. I’ll show you the secret to attracting writers who will happily write quality books inexpensively so you can grow your passive income snowball.

      I’ll walk you through creating your proposal and I’ll go into detail on the proposal so you can see how every line of the proposal is designed specially to make the process of working with writers easier.

      Outsource eBooks on Upwork – Creating a Great Job Post


      Outsourcing Your Kindle eBook on Upwork. 

      Once you’ve created a stellar proposal on Upwork you’ll start to see applicants. This lecture will walk you through how to screen those applicants and how to hire one once you’ve chosen the best writer for your job.

      Outsource eBooks on Upwork – Chosing and Hiring a Good Writer


      Working with Freelancers Effectively


      What to Do if Your Freelancer Writes a Low Quality Book


      Upwork Proposal Example


      How to Put Your eBook Sales into Overdrive

      3 questions

      + – Kindle eBook Marketing 101

      5 lectures 53:47

      Introduction to Kindle eBook marketing.

      Intro to Kindle eBook Marketing

      Preview 03:57

      How to market you Kindle eBook on social media.

      Social Media Marketing


      How to market your Kindle eBook on YouTube.

      YouTube Marketing for Kindle eBooks


      How to market your Kindle eBook on a blog or website.

      Website and Blog Kindle eBook Marketing


      How to create an email list to market your Kindle eBooks.

      Email Marketing for Kindle eBooks


      + – Publish an eBook in 18 Minutes and Overcome Fears of Publishing an eBook

      3 lectures 20:23

      In this section I will walk you through the publishing process in just 18 minutes. It includes creating an account on Amazon, formatting your document for uploading, pricing, and publishing your book live on Amazon.


      Preview 00:41

      In this lecture I will walk you through the publishing process in just 18 minutes. It includes creating an account on Amazon, formatting your document for uploading, pricing, and publishing your book live on Amazon. I hardly believed it myself, but that’s all the time it takes. It really is a surprisingly simple process.

      Watch Me Publish an eBook in 18 Minutes

      Preview 19:12

      I’ve just walked you through the publishing process in 18 minutes. Now it’s your turn. Start by creating an account on Amazon, formatting your document for uploading, pricing, and publishing your book live on Amazon. Don’t forget to go back in and unpublish it once you see it live on Amazon.

      Assignment – Take 18 Minutes and Publish Your First Practice eBook

      Preview 00:30

      3 more sections
