Publishing on Kindle: Make Money with Amazon Kindle Publishing

In my last video blog, I revealed that the EASIEST way to make passive income online is through Kindle publishing.  I also released some news about a new product that I’m launching, teaching my entire method step-by-step to making money with Kindle.  

There’s been a lot of buzz I’ve been receiving since, with a lot of people excited and many questions that have been asked about the release of this product.  In this video blog, I’m revealing A LOT MORE.  I’ve decided to be 100% open and transparent, and show you one of my Kindle books that I have published on Amazon that is generating a passive income of $50-$100/month for me.  

I also decided to login to one of my KDP accounts (Kindle Direct Publishing) and show you one of my reports from my last six week royalties, so you can get a glimpse of how much you can make through Kindle publishing.  If you’re reading this and interested in learning more about the Kindle program that I’m launching soon, click here.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

Do you want my proven step-by-step system for publishing books on Amazon? CLICK HERE to purchase my new and improved Mastering Book Publishing course!

I Have 100+ Kindle E-Books Just Like This Making Me A Killing!

In the video, I revealed one of my Kindle e-books that is generating me a consistent $50-$100 passive income every single month.  It’s called The Binge Eating Cure, and it’s a book that I completely outsourced for less than $25.  The e-book itself cost me $22 and the e-cover was $2.50, which is peanuts considering how much money this book is generating for me.  I have over 100+ more Kindle e-books similar to this, some making me as low as $20/month, others making me over $1000/month.  In less than a year, I’ve been able to build a six-figure passive income business through Kindle publishing (see screen shots below).

6 week royalties

6 week royalties

These screen shots are of my six week royalties from two of my KDP accounts.  I have three accounts total, one personal, and two business publisher accounts.  The personal account is the one that I showed in the video, whereas my other KDP account is a business-related publisher account that generates me just as much passive income.  The reason why I have multiple KDP accounts is to make sure I don’t have all of my eggs in one basket.  The third KDP business account is for demonstration purposes only for the Kindle Money Mastery program that I’ve released.  With these accounts, I get deposited well over $8400 per month into my bank account with very minimal effort!  My Kindle e-books sell all over the world, with 90% of my earnings coming from the US.  The other 10% of my earnings come from the UK, Canada, France, Italy, Germany, Brazil, and Japan… which is still a significant passive income.

How Making Money With Kindle Publishing Works

As you can see from my Kindle book, The Binge Eating Cure, there are many important factors that determine whether your book will make you money:

  • The niche and keywords that you create your book on.
  • The ranking of your book in the Amazon search engine.
  • The ranking of your book in the Amazon best seller list.
  • The cover and title of your book.
  • The number and quality of reviews for your book.
  • The price of your book.
  • The description of your book.

All of these areas are important and I cover them all in-depth in my Kindle Money Mastery program.  As you can see, my binge eating book sells for only $2.99.  Amazon will pay me a 70% royalty anytime someone that buys this book, earning me $2.08.  If I have 10 people buy this book each week, it will make me $20.80 per month.  If 50 people buy it each month, it will make me $104 each month.  Not bad, especially considering it only cost me less than $25 to make it.

The REAL MAGIC happens when you scale up this process, by publishing 5-10 books per week.  If you publish only 5 books per week, that’s 20 books per month.  If those 20 books make you $50/month passive income each month, that’s a $1000/month passive income.  Do you see how powerful this is?

I’ve been able to outsource 90% of this entire process, which has allowed me to publish 5-10 Kindle books every week, while spending no more than 4 hours a week on this.  I don’t have to do any technical stuff, or have any unique “skills” that most online marketing businesses require.  All I need to do is manage this entire process and rinse/repeat.  ANYONE can do this… I’ve even taught this method to my girlfriend, sister (who’s a stay at home mom), and even my mom.  They’re all making money with this.  The 12+ private coaching clients that I’ve worked with over the last several months have all been making passive income from this also… and we even have a private Facebook group community where we exchange ideas and help each other.

Here’s How I Make Even MORE Money With Kindle…

The money that you can make with your Kindle books is great, but it doesn’t end there.  Your Kindle books can make you A LOT MORE MONEY, if you know how to monetize the back-end.

What do I mean by this?

Well, with all of my Kindle books, I use them to promote my Project Life Mastery blog, as well as to build a mailing list from.  My books are used for lead generation, as when people read my books, I have them directed to an opt-in page that asks them to enter their name and e-mail address, which allows me to promote other products to them.  I’m able to promote Clickbank products and other products that have an affiliate program, while earning an additional passive income stream.  For example, here’s a screen shot of one of my Clickbank accounts.  All of the earnings from this Clickbank account is from affiliate sales.  While not all of these earnings are from my Kindle books and mailing lists, a large portion of it is.  Pretty exciting, right?

clickbank earnings

clickbank earnings

 If you have a blog, website or product, Kindle is a fantastic way to help promote that also.  I’ve helped build Project Life Mastery through all of my Kindle e-books, as I have many self-help related Kindle books out there.  I’m hoping you’re seeing the opportunity that Kindle publishing can provide!

I’m not sure what else I can do to convince you that this is an incredible opportunity.  If you know me from my video’s, you’ll know that I like to be completely open, honest and genuine with everything.  I know there’s a lot of “scammers” out there that are trying to make a quick buck without actually providing anything of value.  This isn’t like this at all.  It’s my mission to help people and to serve.  You can see that through all the free videos and content that I’ve released on this blog throughout the last year that I haven’t charged anyone for.  I have no doubt that this process can work for ANYONE… as I’ve now successfully tested my method with over a dozen coaching clients also.

My Kindle Money Mastery Program 

Okay, so now to tell you a little bit more about my Kindle money-making product that I’ve released.

It’s called Kindle Money Mastery.  

Kindle Money Mastery membership program that contains over 20 video tutorial lessons, breaking down step-by-step exactly how I make passive income from Kindle.  In fact, in the video tutorials, you get to see me create a book from scratch, outsource it, publish it, promote it, and make money from it.  I even have follow-up videos that show exactly how much the book has generated over weeks and months.  Again, everything is 100% open and transparent.  The video tutorials are screen capture videos, so you get to follow along and create a book with me throughout the program.

Kindle Money Mastery also includes 4 bonus videos, including on how to outsource and hire virtual assistants, how to set goals with your Kindle business, how to overcome procrastination and stay motivated, and even how to scale up the business to publish 5-10 books per week like I do.  It comes down downloadable PDF reports for each lesson, that summarizes them all in detail.  It also has downloadable templates that I use to send to my writers, designers, and so fourth.  I’ve also created a private Facebook group for members where we can share ideas and help each other with our books, and even to exchange reviews with (it is extremely active as we speak!).

When is it going to be released?  

How much is it going to cost?  

How can I get started?

These are all great questions!  All of the information can be found on the Kindle Money Mastery website.  This Kindle Money Mastery program isn’t for everyone – only those who want to make passive income and be financially free.

Do you want my proven step-by-step system for publishing books on Amazon? CLICK HERE to purchase my new and improved Mastering Book Publishing course!
