Affiliate Marketing – How to Increase Your Income by Recommending Products and Services – Smart Passive Income

Here’s an affiliate marketing secret: if you can become the connector between the audience you’re building and the products and services they need to succeed, you can supplement your income, and potentially even make a full-time income from your recommendations. You just need to ask yourself, “How can I be serving my audience?”

Here’s the real reason why this works:

People want curation. When there is a choice, people need help organizing and understanding all of the options. They WANT someone with a voice and experience to filter the noise and find the best products for them, ultimately saving them time and getting them results, faster. That person, that curator can be you, and everyone can win.

What Is Affiliate Marketing, Really?

Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting another company’s product (or service). You find a product, promote it to others, and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you make.

In other words, when you help another company generate sales, you get a cut!

The best part is that you don’t have to spend the time and money to create your own products, because someone else has already done the hard work. You can begin making money as an affiliate as soon as you have a place to recommend products, whether that’s a website you have, a podcast, or even on social media.

So, all you have to do is send traffic through a link to that product, and everything after that is out of your hands . . . right?

Wrong. There’s so much more involved to make this work well, which is why most people who attempt affiliate marketing fail, or just see a few dollars coming in from their efforts. I want you to see amazing, life-changing results from affiliate marketing, which is why I’m thankful you’re here.

Let me take a moment to share with you what’s possible when you get this right.

Find products to promote

Learn to stand out from the crowd

Find tools to help with setup and execution

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My Top 10 Tips for Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing has been an integral part of my overall success and a cornerstone of my business. If I can help make it a part of your success too, that’s why I am here offering you this free guide.

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Your Affiliate Marketing Questions Answered

The sky’s the limit with affiliate marketing, but only if you attract the right kind of attention and earn trust. The Affiliate Marketing Cheatsheet is a super quick guide to help you master affiliate marketing and increase your revenue.

This Stuff Works. Here’s What It Can Do For You.

Affiliate marketing is something I’ve been involved in ever since 2009 on my very first website, On that site, an architecture-related website, I promoted an exam software product that has generated more than $200,000 in commissions over the years.

Since then, I’ve branched out and diversified my affiliate income sources. But much more than that—I’ve made affiliate marketing a cornerstone of my business strategy and my biggest single source of revenue. Since 2009, I’ve generated over $3 million in commissions with affiliate marketing.

In fact, my largest affiliate partnership, with a company called ConvertKit, has driven more than $400,000 in revenue alone.

Affiliate marketing is a fantastic (and underused) method for generating passive income. You don’t have to worry about creating your own product, customer service is mostly out of your hands, and you can get started as soon as today if you wanted to.

What’s even cooler than the commissions is that as a result of my recommendations, I’m getting thanked by my audience, too.

Getting paid and getting thanked at the same time? Yes! That’s the best kind of marketing, and one every single person should be involved with.

In this 8-part series, I’ll teach you how to get started and find the right products for your audience, even if you’re just starting out.

Instead of worrying about upsetting and annoying your audience with your promotions, I’ll show you how to gracefully promote products in a way that people will thank you for the time and effort you put in to help them make a buying decision.

I’ll also teach you about the amazing opportunities you can have related to the companies you help promote for, and the special kinds of deals and offers you can get for yourself, and your audience, through those relationships.

We have a lot to cover, but I also want to be real with you, too…

I know you’re probably excited, and my history with affiliate marketing all sounds great, but it hasn’t been smooth sailing the whole time.

In the beginning, I didn’t always get it right. I chose the wrong products to promote, and put money over serving my audience at times, and every single time I’ve put money before serving my audience, I’ve failed. I don’t want you to fail. I want you to thrive!

Affiliate marketing has had a bad rap over the years because many affiliate marketers fell into the same traps I did.

That’s why I’ve made it a big part of my mission to change the perception of affiliate marketing, and to show you how you CAN do it right, and make good money, too.

Making that happen is exactly what this series of epic articles is going to show you how to do. Together, we’ll learn how you can serve your audience, cultivate raving fans, and make some money, too. Remember – everybody can win.

Over the next 8 info-packed chapters, I’m going to share with you:

  • The truth about what affiliate marketing is and how it works
  • How to get started with affiliate marketing, even if you have no idea how to begin
  • The one-word key to success with affiliate marketing (and all online business endeavors)
  • A behind-the-scenes look at one of my high-level affiliate marketing partnerships (I’m talking 5 figures a month!)
  • The biggest mistakes you need to know—and avoid—if you want to make it big as an affiliate marketer
  • My favorite affiliate marketing tools and tips that will be game changers for you
  • How to succeed on one of the world’s most popular affiliate marketing networks

I know how powerful affiliate marketing can be when it’s done the right way, and I know what a difference it can make for you and your audience when you’re promoting products and services that can really help them out.

That’s why I’m rooting for you to succeed, and it’s why I put together this epic guide to affiliate marketing.

It’s the guide I wish I’d had when I started my affiliate marketing journey way back in 2009.

Excited? Here’s what’s in store:

On to Chapter 1
