Email Marketing | Constant Contact

Email Marketing | Constant Contact


Get the word out.

Create email marketing campaigns like a pro with our easy-to-use features.

Get your first month free. Pick your plan.

Drag. Drop. Editing made easy.

Our editor makes it easy to customize an email template and design professional, mobile-responsive emails that look great on every device.

Email marketing delivers a $38 return-on-investment for every $1 spent.1

1. Direct Marketing Association 2015.

Drive more sales in less time. Automatically.

Email Marketing Automation keeps your audience engaged and builds strong customer relationships:

  • Greet new subscribers with a timely welcome email
  • Trigger email series based on where contacts click
  • Segment contacts to send the right message every time
  • Automatically resend emails to non-openers
  • Expand your reach with powerful list-building tools

Open the door to eCommerce email marketing

Our Email Marketing for ecommerce tools are built to help your online store grow. Find new customers, keep them engaged, and keep them coming back for more with segmented and automated emails. We offer everything you need to turn leads into contacts into loyal customers.

Contact management, with less of the “management.”

Upload contact lists from Excel, Outlook, Salesforce—or wherever you store your contacts—and our easy-to-use email marketing tools handle the rest. Unsubscribes, bounces, and inactive emails update automatically. Then use our email list-building tools to add new contacts in-person, on your website, from Facebook, and more.

98% of Constant Contact emails hit customers’ inboxes.2 Only 77% of regular email does.3

2. Constant Contact research. 3. Return Path 2017 Deliverability Benchmark Report.

Track your email marketing results in real time. Improve them in no time.

Our email marketing service provides real-time tracking tools that report who’s opening, clicking, and sharing your emails—so you can plan your next steps.

For even more effective email marketing campaigns:

Segment contacts based on the content they click to create more targeted lists and deliver more relevant emails. While you’re at it, reach more fans by automatically posting emails to your social networks.

Make your email marketing work even harder.

Go beyond the inbox and connect with customers in new ways—like live events, donations, coupons, online surveys, and more—to drive more business. Plus, Constant Contact lets you manage it all in one place.

Ready to get started?

Start your free month of Email Marketing

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